When camping in the wild, especially hiking at high altitudes, it is sometimes not easy to find the best camping site. My personal principle is not to set a destination, because hiking in the wild usually takes more than 10 kilometers a day, and some people even walk dozens of kilometers. I usually don’t rush, but stroll slowly. Hiking outdoors is not to compete for speed, but to see the most beautiful scenery. Friends who have walked with me know that I walk particularly "slowly". Especially in the afternoon, as long as you find a good camping spot, stop and rest. A good sleep will make the next day's journey easier...
The standard of a good camping site is to be able to see the mountain, have a relatively wide field of vision (high positions should be considered to be sheltered from the wind), be able to take beautiful pictures of the scenery, and have a water source. If there are one or two big trees as a backdrop, it is a place where gods live. Every time I camp in such a place for a night, I will have endless aftertastes...
This time on the bank of the Parlung Zangbo River, I saw many dead trees and giant pebbles. The biggest feeling of camping here is to sigh at the traces of time. There are large sandy beaches on both sides. There is a viewpoint in the Bomi section where you can see the golden mountain in the evening and then project it on the river surface, which feels like a mirage. I will definitely come again this year!
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